Minister of Petroleum & Energy visited Norcem Brevik

Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland,  together with the political leadership in the Petroleum and Energy-department visited Norcem in Brevik on friday. Here they got a status-update on the CCS-facility emerging at the plant.

The Minister for Petroleum and Energy was welcomed by Brevik CCSs Governmental Affairs, Per Brevik.  He gave a update on the project in Brevik, and also on Heidelberg Materials other ongoing projects in other parts of the world. Since Norcems project was greenlighted, several other projects has emerged he said.

-Already after 18 months,  we can see that this project will give valuable insights and learnings for the next facilities.  Brevik CCS is still the most mature project within our portfolio, and our colleagues are keeping a close eye on this project. Heidelberg Materials has ambitious targets for the future, and we see that Brevik CCS plays a important role here, said a optimistic Brevik to the Minister.

After Per Breviks initial presentation,  Project Manager Tor Gautestad gave an detailed overview of the building process.  Gautestad showed where we are at the moment, and also gave a presentation on what to come in the next couple of months and years.

-Now, after 18 months of work, we're now moving from deconstruction and groundworks, to construction and installation Gautestad stated.




Tor Gautestad

Project Manager Brevik CCS

Heidelberg Materials Sement Norge AS Setrevegen 2
3950 Brevik